Wednesday, January 19, 2005


Things have been a bit slow on the art front recently; I have been procrastinating as I expected I would, but some irregular progress has been made.

Inspired by the Sunday Telegraph Magazine, which has a page called "In your Own Words", I decided to write a humourous article. The article should be about 600 words, but mine came in at over 1000. So I got DJ to read it and savagely cut it back.

The resulting article is I think quite good, and I hope to pluck up the courage to send it in for consideration as soon as I can decide what format they might like it in.

I'm not sure whether this effort can be used as a monthly goal, but writing is definitely something I wanted to do more of. Perhaps I'll use it as a precursor to February, and make that month's target to write a series of six articles for publishing. I've even had a go at a second triathlon related piece!


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